Türkçe Türkçe

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Journal of Biga Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty
(e-ISSN: 2757-573X)

Manuscript Formatting

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) rules.

Manuscripts, which do not to comply with the style and format rules in the preliminary examination are rejected. Rejected manuscripts are not accepted if they are re-proposed, even if they are corrected. The manuscripts are sent to the author for revision by the system in cases where they do not comply with the style and format rules. After the manuscripts are revised by the author, the refereeing process is initiated. After the preliminary evaluation made by the editorial committee, it is evaluated by the three referees and published if the two referees state a positive opinion. 


Manuscripts should be prepared considering Times New Roman font, justified, 12 font size 1.5 line spacing. The title of the manuscript should be written in Turkish and English in capital letters. At the beginning of the manuscript, a short Turkish and English abstract consisting of 150-300 words should be included. The abstract should be written as Regular and with 10 font size. There should be five keywords at the end of the abstracts.  After the abstract section, an extended summary of 300-500 words should be included in English manuscripts in Turkish and in Turkish manuscripts in English. 


Manuscripts must be uploaded to the system considering the manuscript template. The manuscript template shows how the details about the format of the manuscript will be applied in title, author name, bibliography, font etc. The authors should upload their manuscripts into this template according to the template and upload them to the system. The following downloadable files have been prepared to help prepare manuscripts according to the template:

The files in different downloadable formats for the manuscript template:

Template guide (pdf)

Sample manuscript (doc)